Summary | Special Labelling Requirements for Special Foods (1)

oodmate summarised the co<em></em>ntents of special labelling requirements in relevant standards for 10 special foods.

Foodmate summarised
the contents of special labelling requirements in relevant standards for 10 special foods.

This article will introduce the first 4 standards. 

1. GB 29922-2013 
National Food Safety Standard General Rule on Formulated Foods for Special Medical Purposes

a. Product labelling should comply with the provisions in GB 13432. In addition, nutrients and optional components content per 100kJ should be also indicated.

b. The formula or nutritional features of products shall be described in the label, as well as the product types, target users and the warning “unsuitable for non-target people”.

c. The warning “to be used under the guidance of doctors or clinical dietitians” shall be placed in the striking area of the label.

d. The warning “this product shall not be used for parenteral nutrition support or intravenous injection” shall be shown in the label.

e. The usage, explanation and diagram of formulation, and the storage condition of relevant products shall be definitely specified on the label. Such a diagram may be exempted when the largest surface area of the package is less than 100 cm2 or the product weight is less than 100 g.

f. Hazard to health due to improper preparation or misuse shall be demonstrated in the instructions. 

2. GB 25596-2010 
National Food Safety Standard General Rule on Infant Formulated Foods for Special Medical Purposes

a. Product labelling should comply with the provisions in GB 13432. In addition, nutrients and optional components content per 100kJ should be also indicated.

b. The product types (e.g. lactose-free formula) and the suitable special medical conditions shall be described on the label.

c. Formula for premature or low birth weight infants, the osmotic pressure of the product shall be indicated on the label.

d. As to the formula food intended for infants of over 6 months old, “complementary food should be added in case of using the product for infants with special medical conditions of over 6 months old” should be indicated on the label.

e. The warning “to be used under the guidance of doctors or clinical dietitians” shall be placed in the striking area of the label.

f. Images of infants or women should not appear on the labels. The expressions such as “like human milk”, “like breast milk” or similar terms should not be used.

g. The usage, explanation and diagram of formulation, and the storage condition of relevant products shall be definitely specified on the label. Such a diagram may be exempted when the largest surface area of the package is less than 100 cm2 or the product weight is less than 100 g.

h. Hazard to health due to improper preparation or misuse shall be demonstrated in the instructions. 

3. GB 10765-2010 National Food Safety Standard Infant Formula

a. Product labelling should comply with the provisions in GB 13432. In addition, nutrients and optional components content per 100kJ should be also indicated.

b. Product categories and attribute of infant formula product (such as milk-based or soybean-based product and product state) and applicable infant age should be indicated on the label.

c. As to the formula food intended for infants of over 6 months old, “complementary food should be added in case of using the product for infants of over 6 months old” should be indicated on the label.

d. Label of the infant formula should be indicated with “the ideal food for infants of 0~6 months is breast milk; when breast milk is absent or insufficient, this product can be used.”

e. Images of infants or women should not appear on the labels. The expressions such as “like human milk”, “like breast milk” or similar terms should not be used.

4. GB 10767-2010 National Food Safety Standard Older Infants and Young Children Formula

a. Product labelling should comply with the provisions in GB 13432. In addition, nutrients and optional components content per 100kJ should be also indicated.

b. Product categories and attribute of older infants formula or young children formula (such as milk-based or soybean-based product and product state) and applicable infant/child age should be indicated on the label. As to the older infants formula, “complementary foods should be added” should be indicated on the label.

For more information in Chinese, please click. 

Please note: Original English article of Global Foodmate of Information Service and Business Department, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.

Global Foodmate Information Service Centre provides food standards & regulations research, labeling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

Please feel free to contact us: +86 10 68869850, E-mail: global_info@foodmate.net 

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