National food safety standard Food contact materials and articles Determination of migration amount of terephthalic acid

GB 31604.21-2016 食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 对苯二甲酸迁移量的测定

Writer by:FOODMATE







This standard replaces GB/T 23296.10-2009 “Food contact materials - High polymer material - Determination of terephthalic acid in food simulant - High performance liquid chromatography” and SN/T 2184-2008 “Food contact materials - High polymer material - Determination of terephthalic acid in food simulant - High performance liquid chromatography”.

As compared to GB/T 23296.10-2009 and SN/T 2184-2008, key changes are as follows:

——The name of the standard has been revised to National food safety standard - Food contact materials and articles - Determination of migration amount of terephthalic acid;

——The preparation of food simulant test solution has been revised;

——T expression of analysis results has been revised;

——The limit of detection and limit of quantification have been revised.


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