On November 12, 2024, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) issued Announcement No. 2633, revising the standards for macaroni products, mainly involving quality requirements, test methods, etc., aimed at ensuring product quality and adapting to relevant changes, as follows:
(1) Clause integration and simplification of expression. The indicators of the quality part of the original standard are scattered in multiple clauses (4.1-4.9), which are integrated into a table after revision to make the presentation of quality requirements more concise and clear;
(2) Adjustment of some indicators. Refined crude protein requirements: the original standard lists the crude protein content of products with eggs separately and the conditions are complex (not less than 12% when the minimum operating temperature is above 870℃), and the revised unified provision of the crude protein content of products with eggs is not less than 12%, simplifying the requirements and clarifying the boundary; Revision of the ash index: the original standard stipulated that the ash content should not exceed 0.9% (except for products adding eggs or vegetables), and the remarks were deleted after the revision, which may mean that the scope of application of the ash index has been reconsidered or unified, and the specific impact needs to be judged in combination with other relevant standards or instructions;
(3) Some detection methods have been modified.