Peruvian agricultural exports to China jump 58.4 percents, grape exports exceed 1.3 billion



Peruvian agricultural exports totaled $9.862 billion in 2022, up 12.6 percent from $8.759 billion the previous year, according to Peruvian media outlet Agraria. Among them, traditional agricultural exports amounted to $1.336 billion, up 57.3% from $849.3 million in 2021, accounting for 13.55% of total agricultural exports, and non-traditional agricultural exports such as fruits amounted to $8.527 billion, up 7.8% from $7.910 billion in 2021.


The main destination markets for Peru's agricultural exports in 2022 are: the United States, $3.414 billion (+16.6%), or 35% of total exports; the Netherlands, $1.288 billion (-2.6%), or 13%; Spain, $519 million (+3.1%), or 5%; Ecuador, $435 million (+51.4%), or 4%; China 366 million (+58.4%), or 4%; the United Kingdom 359 million (-7.2%); and other countries and territories 3,481 million (+12.3%).


Peru's main traditional agricultural export product in 2022 is undecaffeinated, unroasted other categories of coffee, with exports of $1.231 billion (+60.6%), followed by other categories of refined cane or beet sugar, with exports of $72 million (+47.8%), according to the Peruvian Foreign Trade Institute. Non-traditional agricultural exports were highest in fresh blueberry exports at $1.366 billion, up 15.2%, fresh grape exports at $1.362 billion, up 8.9%, fresh avocado at $895 million, down 11.7%, fresh or frozen asparagus at $372 million, down 6.9%, and fresh mangoes at $301 million, down 5.8%.


According to Chinese Customs statistics, Peru exported 63,092 tons of fresh grapes to China in 2022, worth about RMB 1.387 billion, up 49.8% from $926 million in 2021; 30,770 tons of fresh cranberries and fruits of lingonberries and other lingonberry plants (including blueberries), worth about RMB 1.495 billion, up 37.8% from 1.085 The export of fresh or dried avocados was 27,537 tons, valued at approximately RMB 464 million, up 7.7% from RMB 431 million in 2021.


Maritime transport is the most important mode of transport for Peruvian agricultural exports in 2022, with $8.753 billion (+11.7%) worth of goods exported by sea, accounting for 88.75% of total exports; followed by highway transport with $766 million (+28.7%); and regional road transport with $343 million (+4.8%).


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