Chilean prune mainly exported to Germany and China


According to the latest data released by the Office of Agricultural Research and Policy (Odepa) under the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, from January to April 2023, Chile exported a total of 13,163 tons of dried prunes to more than 70 markets around the world, or 52.8 million U.S. dollars (FOB, below). same). Among them, Germany and China are the top two destination markets.

Chile's SimFruit website reported that in the first four months of this year, Chile exported 1,983 tons of dried prunes to Germany, worth $9.1 million; and 2,164 tons of dried prunes to China, worth $6.8 million.

In addition to Germany and China, countries such as Poland, Mexico and Spain were also major buyers of Chilean prunes during the analysis period.

It is understood that Chile is one of the world's major exporters of prunes, and the United States is the world's major producer of prunes. However, due to the high domestic demand in the United States, prunes still need to be imported from Chile.

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