Foodmate attended the VITAFOODS Asia 2023 in Thailand


On September 19, Foodmate was invited to participate in the Probiotics Innovation Workshop & Networking Cocktail Hour held by Aptar CSP Technologies at the Hilton Sukhumbit Bangkok Hotel in Thailand. This seminar attracted people from the probiotic and health food industries from many countries.

9月19日,Global Foodmate应邀参加了Aptar CSP Technologies在泰国Hilton Sukhumbit Bangkok酒店举办的益生菌研发研讨会。本次研讨会吸引了来自多个国家的益生菌和保健食品行业相关人士。


During the seminar, Aptar CSP Technologies focused on introducing its core technologies and solutions, and invited Windy Zhang, a senior compliance consultant from Foodmate, to deliver a special speech entitled “Food Contact Materials, Dietary Supplements & Probiotics”, which covered brief introduction and regulatory requirements of food contact materials, dietary supplements, probiotics in 13 countries including China, the United States, Japan, South Korea ,etc. In a one-hour speech in English, Windy introduced the regulatory framework, standards, import routes and supervision of these products in China, as well as relevant requirements in other countries.

会议中,Aptar CSP Technologies重点介绍了其核心技术及其解决方案,并邀请食品伙伴网的资深合规顾问Windy Zhang发表了题为 "Food Contact Materials, Dietary Supplements & Probiotics" 的专题演讲,涉及中国以及美国、日本、韩国等13个国家的食品接触材料、膳食补充剂、益生菌相关情况及法规要求。在1小时的英文演讲中,Windy Zhang介绍了几类产品在国内监管框架、相关标准介绍、相关产品进口路径及监管,以及这些产品在其他13个国家的具体情况。



The participants showed great interest in the patented technologies and products of Aptar CSP Technologies. They also had a heated discussion on Foodmate's presentation on multi-country regulations, and asked Windy with questions about the shared content. With warm atmosphere filling the meeting room, the seminar was a complete success.

与会嘉宾对Aptar CSP Technologies的专利技术与产品表现出极大兴趣,也针对食品伙伴网的多国法规宣讲进行了热烈讨论,并针对分享内容向Windy Zhang提出问题。Windy Zhang一一作出专业解答。现场气氛十分热烈,会议取得了圆满成功。


After the seminar, representatives of Foodmate participated in the VITAFOODS Asia 2023 held at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Bangkok from September 20 to 22. In the venue, Foodmate’s representatives interacted with many domestic and foreign exhibitors, focusing on understanding their prospects and needs for the international market, answered their compliance consulting towards their target markets, and established a good foundation for cooperation. Representatives of many participating enterprises and institutions showed great interest in Foodmate’s import and export compliance services and expressed their intention to make a further cooperation.

会后,食品伙伴网代表参加了9 月 20 日至 22 日在曼谷诗丽吉王后国家会议中心(Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Bangkok)举行的2023 年亚洲国际营养保健食品展,并与众多国内外展商进行了深入交流,重点了解了他们对于国际市场的展望及需求,解答了他们对于目标市场的合规咨询问题,建立了良好的合作基础。多家与会企业与机构代表对食品伙伴网的进出口合规服务表现出浓厚兴趣,表达了与食品伙伴网的合作意向。


As a provider of international food safety compliance consulting solutions, Foodmate has closely followed demands of domestic and foreign markets for more than 20 years and provided customers from global markets with professional technical support. In recent years, Foodmate has continuously expanded its service coverage, currently covering more than 80 countries and regions in more than 30 languages.


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