Japan to revise the implementation regulations of the Food Hygiene Law and the specification standards for food and food additives

[231128]MHLW  Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare日本 厚生劳动省.jpeg.jpeg

On November 22, 2023, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) issued Proposal No. 495230251 to amend the Implementation Regulations of the Food Hygiene Law and the Specification Standards for Food and Food Additives. The main revisions are as follows:


(1) Add "polyvinyl alcohol" to Appendix 1 of the Implementation Regulations of the Food Hygiene Law;


(2) In the second paragraph of the revised Standard for Food and Food Additives, "C experimental reagent", "D component specification and storage standard", "F use standard" (polyvinyl alcohol cannot be used in capsules, tablets and other foods other than the usual food form, For 1kg capsules, tablets and other food that is not the usual form of food use must be less than 45g).

The proposal is subject to a comment period ending December 22, 2023.

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