Korea released HACCP guidelines for food manufacturers


On June 5, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) of the Republic of Korea and the Korea Food Safety Management and Certification Agency jointly issued HACCP guidelines for Korean food manufacturers.


Key elements of the guidelines include:


1. Correct disinfection and flushing process management. The disinfection capacity is maintained by changing the disinfecting water and adding chlorine, and the concentration of free residual chlorine is set as the index to check the disinfection effect.


2. Causes of listeria contamination in smoked salmon products as well as prevention and control methods. Disinfection method: Disinfection was carried out twice for 5 minutes at a free residual chlorine concentration of 200 ppm.


3. Treatment of raw materials and accessories of kimchi and methods for controlling and preventing yeast. Contaminated "ginger" has been identified as the main source of Yersinia enterocolitis in kimchi. Therefore, ginger can be disinfected with chlorine-based disinfectants (100 ppm free residual chlorine, 10 minutes), boiling water blanching (60 seconds), or stored with 5:1 garlic and ginger mixture (24 hours) to control microorganisms.

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