Poland released report on quality control results of canned mushrooms


On August 1, 2024, the Polish Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection Agency released a report on the results of quality control of canned mushrooms. The inspection report is the first nationwide inspection in Poland, which was carried out at the production stage and in stores across the country in the last quarter of 2023. The main inspections were carried out on: cured, dried and salted forest mushrooms:


(1) The products of 89 companies were inspected and violations were found in 35 companies (39.3% of the companies inspected);


(2) A total of 62 batches were inspected for sensory characteristics, of which 23 batches (37.1%) had problems; 113 batches were inspected for physical and chemical characteristics, and 55 batches (48.7%) were found to have violations. The results showed that the content of reddish mushrooms was higher than the legal permissible value (permissible value: not more than 5% of the weight of the mushrooms), the presence of moldy mushrooms and mushrooms with flimsy and crumbly texture, the presence of live and dead vermin in the packages, as well as the presence of mushrooms of a different species from the one declared in the label;


(3) In terms of labeling, a total of 203 batches were inspected, of which 45 batches were questioned (22.2%);


(4) In addition to this, the absence of information on dried and pasteurized products, the absence of declared species of mushrooms in the packaging, such as morel mushrooms, and sales after the expiration date of minimum durability were found.

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