To clarify a principle, in order to meet the requirements of laws and standards, try to choose ingredients with single nutritional function and simple raw material nutrients. For example:
Ø Myogen and Serum proteins in meat can be used as proteins in FSMP, but meat cannot be directly added to FSMP;
Ø The medium-chain and long-chain fatty acid edible oil in the new food raw materials, the quality requirements for the provisions of the long-chain fatty acids triglycerides, medium-chain triglycerides, these components are more specific, able to provide fat, can be added to the FSMP;
Ø New food materials used by infants and young children - galacto-oligosaccharides, whose main components are anhydrous lactose, anhydrous glucose, etc., can provide carbohydrates, which can also be added to specialty foods;
Ø The range of foods used but not including infants and young children, such as inulin, polyfructose, can be used in special medical products older than 3 years old, and can be used according to the list.
FSMP are food targeted at a special population. They are very different from normal food. Therefore, only a small portion of the raw materials used for normal food may be used for FSMP. When selecting raw materials, it is necessary to study the relevant regulations of GB 25596 and GB 29922. In addition, companies need to learn more about medicine, nutrition, and the raw materials selected for the products that have already been marketed.