China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products released "China Dietary Supplement Industry Development Report (2020)"

Recently, China Chamber of Commerce for import & Export of Medicines & Health Products released the "China Dietary Supplement Industry Development Report (2020)". On the basis of massive data analysis, the market situation, international trade situation, consumption behavior, regulatory changes and other aspects of dietary supplement industry were combed and analyzed, so as to predict the development trend of the industry and provide guidance for the development of the industry.

According to the statistics of the China Chamber of Commerce, total imports and exports of dietary supplements reached US$5.28 billion in 2019, an increase of 12.8% year-on-year, and exports have grown steadily to US$1.88 billion, an increase of 12.7% year-on-year; the import value reached US$3.4 billion, with a growth rate of 12.8%, and the trade deficit further expanded to US$1.52 billion.

In addition, the report conducted a study on the annual reports of listed companies that mainly involved in dietary supplements. Although the dietary supplements industry faced major challenges in 2019, according to the annual reports released by companies, most companies showed growth and the industry was generally better.

click to download:
"China Dietary Supplements Industry Development Report (2020)"

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