Overseas Agricultural Information Express (No. 136)

On July 16, the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released the Overseas Agricultural Information Express (No. 136).

1. Bulgarian wheat production has been reduced by an average of nearly 30%. According to the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, the current volume of wheat harvested in warehouses is 2.71 million tons, and the average output is 29.7% lower than last year. The Grain Producers Association said that this year's drought may cause some grain growers to fail. It is estimated that the annual output will be 4.5 million tons, less than 6.2 million tons last year.

2. Exports of agricultural products from Latin American countries maintained growth. According to the report of the Agricultural Cooperation Organization of the Americas, in April this year, the exports of agricultural products in 14 countries or regions in Latin America and the Caribbean increased by 8.5% compared with the same period of last year, of which Brazil (28.9%) and Costa Rica (8.2% ), Argentina (4.9%), Bolivia (4.9%) and Guatemala (4.7%), agricultural products exported include soybeans, sugar, beef, pork, coffee and bananas, mainly due to China’s increased imports of these agricultural products.

3. China has become the number one foreign owner of Australia's "water rights". The latest report shows that 10.4% of Australia ’s water rights are owned by foreign investors. Among them, Chinese investors hold 732 gigalitres or 1.89% of the water rights in the market. US buyers hold 720 gigalitres (1.86%), and UK buyers hold 414 gigalitres (1.1%) of water rights. These figures have triggered a series of remarks on the attack on China in Australia, which has spawned a new wave of conspiracy theories concerning the safety of water sources in China and Australia.

4. Brazil 's soybean production in 2020-2021 is expected to be 130 million tons. The USDA predicts that in 2020-2021, Brazil’s soybean planting area is expected to be 38.5 million hectares, an increase of 4% year-on-year; output is 130 million tons, an increase of 6% year-on-year; and exports are 84 million tons. Bean farmers have made huge profits this year and are expected to increase investment. Driven by the growth of soybean output value, Brazil's total agricultural output value in 2020 is expected to increase by 2-3%.

5. China's pork imports continue to increase, and European pork exports will reach record levels. According to the latest report from the US Department of Agriculture, global pork exports are expected to increase to 10.5 million tons in 2020 due to increased demand for pork from China. China’s pork imports are 3.9 million tons, accounting for 40% of global imports. In 2020, European pork exports will reach a record 3.9 million tons, compared with 3.55 million tons last year, mainly due to increased exports to China. US pork exports are estimated at 3.39 million tons, compared with 2.87 million tons last year. Brazil exported 1 million tons, compared with 860,000 tons last year. Canadian exports will also increase to 1.4 million tons.

6. The world’s hungry population will reach 820 million in 2020. FAO and other 5 agencies jointly issued the "world food security and nutrition status". the report pointed out, by crop production, increase distribution costs and the impact of regional strife and other factors, the 2019 annual world's hungry population of about 6.9 million people, an increase over the previous year 10 million people. The report predicts that the new crown pneumonia epidemic will cause world food production and logistics to lag this year, and the world's hungry population may reach 820 million people by 2020.

7. Cambodia will participate in the construction of regional and world food supply chains. On 14 July, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen visited the aquaculture and research center in Poromian province and announced that Cambodia can participate in the regional and world food supply chain, with an annual production capacity of more than 6 million tons of rice. Cambodian agricultural exports include fish, cassava, cashew nuts, corn, bananas, mangoes, etc. During the New Crown Epidemic, some countries faced food security issues, but Cambodia was able to produce other agricultural products such as rice and fish.

8. The average Indian tariff increased by 4%, and it is moving towards trade protectionism. Since the Modi government came to power in 2014, India’s average import tariffs have risen by 4%, and the trend will continue. India is moving towards trade protectionism. According to WTO to the latest data, India's actual average tariff of 13.5% in 2014 up to 17.6% in 2019, the average trade-weighted tariff from after 7% in 2014 up to 10.3% in 2018. As India is preparing to strengthen inspections on so-called "cheap" imports and promote "self-reliance", tariffs will rise further.

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