Danish grain production is at a record high


According to data released by Statistics Denmark on November 24, total grain production in 2022 reached 9.6 million tonnes, returning to the 2019-20 level and 4% higher than the 2012-2021 average of 9.2 million tonnes. Total production in 2021 was only 8.7 million tonnes. Unit yields of winter wheat, spring barley and rapeseed have all reached record highs this year. In terms of sown area, the sown area of grain this year is 4% lower than that of last year. Due to the increase of yield per unit area, the total amount is slightly higher than usual. The area sown with rapeseed increased by 22 percent, with the output of 894,000 tons this year, up 37 percent year-on-year. The area sown to pulses (fava beans and peas) increased by 20 per cent, and total production increased by 48 per cent year-on-year to 172,000 tonnes. Denmark is a net exporter of cereals, with over 70% of the grain harvested used for feed, 15-20% for export and the rest for seeds, flour and industrial consumption (including brewing). In 2021, Danish cereal sales amounted to DKR 12.9 billion, equivalent to 16% of total crop sales. The report said grain prices have risen this year, with prices rising 51 percent year on year in the third quarter, and grain sales are expected to hit a new high in 2022.


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