The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority issues regulations on the import of food and drugs and their raw materials

BPOM Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan印度尼西亚食品药品监督管理局Indonesian Food and Drug Authority or Agency for Drug and Food Control or Indonesian FDA.png

The Indonesian Food and Drug Authority has recently issued the new Regulation on the Supervision and Control of import of Food and Drugs and the Regulation on the Supervision and Control of import of Food and Drug Raw Materials, according to the website of the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority.


The Regulations on the Supervision and Control of imported Food and Drugs stipulate the supervision and control requirements for the import of food, cosmetics, health supplements, medicines and traditional medicines. The import of food and health supplements for sale and circulation must apply for circulation license and SKI Post Border. The regulations stipulate the procedures for handling border import certificates, supervision requirements and penalties for related illegal matters. The new regulation replaces the 2017 Regulation on the Supervision and Control of imported Food and Drugs and its amendments. The regulations will take effect on December 14, 2022.


The Regulation on the Supervision and Control of import of Raw Materials for Food, cosmetics, health supplements, medicines and traditional medicines sets out the regulatory requirements for the import of raw materials for food, cosmetics, health supplements, medicines and traditional medicines. The new regulation replaces the 2017 Regulation on the import of Raw Materials for Food and Drugs and its revised regulations, which will take effect on December 14, 2022.


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