Japan revised specifications and standards for food and food additives

[230505]MHLW  Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare日本 厚生劳动省.jpeg.jpeg 

On April 26, 2023, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) issued Announcement No. 0426 of Raw Foods to revise the specifications and standards of food and food additives. 

The main content includes the revision of the maximum residue limits of 7 pesticides and veterinary drugs, including pyraclostrobin, in some foods. Some of the revised limits are shown in the table below. The announcement will come into effect on the date of release, and the changes in the limits of four pesticides and veterinary drugs such as pyraclostrobin will take effect one year after the date of release.


Learn more: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/001091217.pdf

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