Kazakhstan signed wheat supply contract with China


Khatuntsha/Astana/May 19 -- Kazakh Prime Minister Alihan Smayilov has signed a large-scale wheat supply contract with a Chinese company, in response to a question from Majilis (Lower House of Parliament) member.


According to his introduction, as part of the agreement, kazakhstan food company (Азық-түлік корпорациясы) with China's state-owned COFCO Corporation formally signed a supply contract, according to the contract, kazakhstan will provide 25,000 tons of high-quality wheat to China. Kazakhstan has also reached an agreement with China's Alashankou Jinshahe Equity Investment Co to supply 50,000 tons of wheat to China.


The Kazakh government is also negotiating contracts with Chinese companies to export an additional 20,000-50,000 tonnes of wheat and barley to China by the end of this year.


Kazakhstan Grains also plans to export 80,000 tons of grain to Central Asian and Transcaucasian countries and supply 50,000 tons of grain to Iran in 2023, the government prime minister said. At present, the relevant departments are actively looking for potential partners.

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