Cambodian wild aquatic products have completed export procedures to China


Recently, the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) updated the "Registration Information of Overseas Manufacturers of imported Food". So far, Cambodian wild aquatic products have completed the final procedure of exporting to China, which can realize trade in exporting to China.

The name of the registered enterprise for the export of wild aquatic products approved by China this time is: KIM CHOU Co., Ltd import Export and International Transportation, which is mainly engaged in the export of 12 wild aquatic products such as wild shrimp, wild fish, wild eel, and wild snails (For enterprise registration information, see the link: https://ciferquery.singlewindow.cn/).

In November 2022, China and Cambodia signed a protocol on inspection, quarantine and veterinary health requirements for wild aquatic products exported from Cambodia to China. On May 24, relevant Cambodian export enterprises completed their registration in the "Registration Information of imported Food Overseas Production Enterprises" system of the General Administration of Customs of China. Wild aquatic products have also become the second type of agricultural products that can be exported to China this year.

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