South Korea issued a partial revision of the Implementation Rules for the Special Law on Imported Food Safety Management


On June 9, the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) issued a partial revision of the "Implementation Rules for the Special Law on imported Food Safety Management". The main contents are as follows:

Formulate standards and procedures for the designation and de-designation of raw materials and ingredients that must be prohibited from entering Korea; administrative penalty standards for non-fulfillment of recall measures, recall plan reports or rejection, obstruction, avoidance of seizure, destruction, etc.; for the production of the company The food raw materials of the product are also products that are planned to be imported for fast customs clearance; even if the product name is different, as long as the country of origin and overseas production company are the same, it can be regarded as "the same company and the same imported food" in the Korean imported food, exempt from detailed inspections, etc. 

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