EAEU proposed to amend technical regulations on food additives


News on August 30: The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) proposed to amend the technical regulations on the Safety of Food Additives, flavors and Processing AIDS at the meeting held on August 29, and the relevant amendments will be evaluated and released according to the process.


The amendment, drafted by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan on the basis of changes in Codex Alimentarius and EU legislation, involves the updating of the five main parts of the technical regulations and their 29 annexes, including:


- Clarify the limits of phosphoric acid and edible phosphate in meat products;


- Remove 19 food additives that have been approved for use, and 6 food additives are included in the list of approved additives;


- Expanding the list of approved enzymes, flavors and fragrances;


- Adjusting the scope of use of certain food additives.


The amendment will enter into force 180 days after the date of its official publication, with a planned transition period of 18 months and a transition period of 36 months for labelling content.

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