UK revised guidance on allergen information change management in food

[230908]FSA UK英国食品标准局.jpeg.jpeg

On September 4, 2023, the British Food Standards Agency revised the management guideline for the change management of allergen information in food, which will come into effect on the date of publication. Main contents:

(1) When there is an unavoidable risk of cross-contamination of allergens that cannot be adequately controlled through isolation and cleaning, that is, when there are unintentionally added allergens in the food, a precautionary allergen label statement (PAL) should be used;

(2) The specific names of the 14 main allergens should be specified in the allergen label. Such as the statement: "may contain peanuts" instead of "may contain nuts";

(3) In the case where the risk of allergen cross-contamination has been determined, the allergen label statement shall not be used in conjunction with the "vegan" label. A "vegan" label states that it does not contain certain substances, while an allergen label states that certain allergen substances may be present;

(4) To stipulate the latest requirements for the use of gluten-free ingredient declarations in non-prepackaged food establishments. Label foods that contain grains as gluten-free, etc.

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