Regulation on the Import Administration of Feed and Feed Additive


According to Feed Compliance Service Center of Foodmate, in recent years, feed import registration has shown a trend of increasing year by year. Especially since 2017, more than 500 registered feeds have been imported to the Chinese market every year. In 2022, the registered quantity of imported feed has reached over 1000. In this issue, the Feed Compliance Service Center will review the import management regulations for feed and feed additives, providing reference for enterprises planning to export feed to China.

Supervision and Management

To ensure the quality and safety of imported feed and feed additives, China has adopted strict import access, inspection and quarantine measures for imported feed and feed additives. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for the registration and approval of imported feed and feed additive products, and also collaborates with local regulatory departments for daily supervision and management; the General Administration of Customs is responsible for implementing a registration system for production enterprises of imported feed and feed additives, uniformly managing the inspection, quarantine, and supervision management of imported and exported feed throughout the country, and the competent customs is responsible for the inspection, quarantine, supervision and management of imported and exported feed within their jurisdiction.

Country/Region Access

The “Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of import and Export Feeds and Feed Additives” stipulate that the General Administration of Customs shall conduct risk analysis on countries or regions exporting feed to China for the first time, conduct retrospective reviews on countries or regions that have previously or are currently exporting feed to China, and focus on reviewing their feed safety supervision system. based on risk analysis or retrospective review results, formulate, adjust and publish a list of countries or regions that are allowed to import feed and the types of feed products on their official websites.

For feed, the list is divided into two categories based on differences in animal and plant origin. List of countries (regions) and products allowed to import feed (excluding plant-based feed raw materials), including 53 countries or regions such as Thailand, Japan, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Canada, etc., listing the types of products allowed to be imported by each country/region. In addition, the vast majority of products require only import from registered enterprises, with some exceptions allowing enterprises to import first and gradually complete enterprise registration; List of allowed import types of grain and plant-based feed and export countries/regions, including countries or regions such as Australia, Hungary, Serbia, Mongolia, Russia, and the United States, listing the types of products allowed to be imported by each country/region.

For feed additives, there is only one list, which includes the list of countries (regions) that are allowed to import feed additives and premix products, as well as the list of registered enterprises, specifying the countries that are allowed to import, the types and names of feed additives, and the registered enterprises.

Enterprise Access

The “Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of import and Export Feed and Feed Additives” stipulate that the General Administration of Customs implements a registration system for production enterprises in countries or regions that allow the import of feed and feed additives. This means that imported feed and feed additives should come from registered overseas production enterprises, but this is not entirely absolute. As mentioned in the section on country/region access above, some products are relatively lenient and allow enterprises to import first and gradually complete enterprise registration.

Enterprise registration requires the competent authorities of the exporting country or region to review and approve the proposed enterprise before recommending it to the General Administration of Customs and submit corresponding registration materials. If the General Administration of Customs approves the materials as qualified, experts will be sent to the exporting country or region to review their feed safety supervision system and conduct spot checks on the enterprises applying for registration. Recommended enterprises that meet the requirements for spot checks and others who have not been spot checked shall be registered and announced on the official website of the General Administration of Customs. The validity period of registration is 5 years.

The lists of registered enterprises for animal derived feed include: List of registered production and processing enterprises for single cell protein feed overseas; List of registered production and processing enterprises for natural mineral feed overseas; List of registered production and processing enterprises for formula feed overseas; List of registered production and processing enterprises for pet food overseas; List of registered production and processing enterprises for feed terrestrial animal protein and oil overseas; List of the registered production and processing enterprise for protein and oil from aquatic animals used for feeding purposes overseas. The lists of registered enterprises for plant-based feed includes: List of overseas registered enterprises allowed to import plant-based feed. The list of registered enterprises for feed additives is already included in the list of admitted countries/regions.

Product Access

The “Measures for the Administration of Registration of imported Feed and Feed Additives” stipulate that foreign enterprises exporting feed and feed additives to China for the first time shall apply for import registration with the Ministry of Agriculture and obtain an import registration certificate for feed and feed additives. Those who have not obtained an import registration certificate shall not be sold or used within the territory of China. However, feed and feed additives that have not been approved or prohibited for production or use by the production location cannot be registered for import.

The types of products that require import registration include: single feed, additive premixed feed (including pet additive premixed feed), formula feed (including pet formula feed), concentrated feed, concentrate supplement, and feed additive.

It should be noted that overseas enterprises applying for import registration should entrust a domestic agency in China to handle it. The validity period of the import registration certificate is 5 years. After obtaining the registration certificate, overseas enterprises are not allowed to directly sell imported feed and feed additives within the territory of China. They must establish sales agencies within the territory of China or entrust qualified agents within the territory of China to sell imported feed and feed additives in accordance with the law.

Inspection and Quarantine

After obtaining national/regional access and passing enterprise registration and product registration, the imported feed enterprise needs to apply for an import animal and plant quarantine license from the General Administration of Customs in accordance with regulations. The customs verify the cargo certificates, labels, etc. of the goods, and extract samples of products from different categories of overseas production enterprises according to the corresponding inspection and quarantine supervision mode. After passing the inspection and quarantine, the customs shall issue the "Entry Goods Inspection and Quarantine Certificate" and release them.

If the goods fail to pass the inspection and quarantine, the customs shall issue a "Notice of Inspection and Quarantine Treatment", and the owner or his agent shall carry out disinfection, return or destruction under the supervision of the customs. Those who pass the disinfection treatment shall be allowed to enter the country. If external claims are required, relevant certificates shall be issued by the customs. The customs shall report the unqualified information of imported feed inspection and quarantine to the General Administration of Customs.

Brief Summary

China has strict access requirements for feed and feed additives. The Feed Compliance Service Center reminds enterprises that export feed and feed additives to China for the first time to first confirm whether the host country and the feed or feed additives to be imported are on the list of countries/regions and products that are allowed to be imported. If not, the competent authorities of the host country need to apply to the General Administration of Customs for approval before obtaining admission qualifications. Secondly, enterprises must complete the registration with the General Administration of Customs in accordance with the requirements. Then, obtain the product registration certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Finally, submit relevant materials according to the inspection and quarantine requirements and obtain the "Entry Goods Inspection and Quarantine Certificate" issued by the customs, which can be imported into China. Foodmate’s Feed Compliance Service Center can handle GACC registration and MARA import registration for enterprises. If need any help, please feel free to contact us via global_info@foodmate.net.

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