GACC issued a warning on frozen coconut water in Vietnam, and fresh coconuts are expected to be admitted this year


According to Vietnamese media reports, a recent inspection by the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) found that the content of coliform bacteria, yeast and mold in frozen coconut water products exported from Vietnam to China exceeded the allowable threshold of food safety stipulated by China. Deputy Director of the Vietnam National Advisory Point for Health Epidemiology and Animal and Plant Quarantine (SPS Vietnam) U Chunan said that the SPS office received TCOCD 18 telegram dated 8/1/2024, the Vietnamese Embassy in China issued a message saying that the General Administration of Customs of China has recently inspected, It was found that coliform bacteria, yeast and mold in frozen coconut water products exported from Vietnam to China exceeded the allowable threshold of food safety stipulated by China.


GACC said the reason is that the food safety control process during production does not guarantee food safety, and it will conduct online remote inspections of enterprises if necessary. On February 2, the SPS Vietnam office issued a notice to the Department of Plant Protection and the Department of Processing Quality and Market Development, saying that it would strengthen inspections of relevant enterprises. The office asked the two departments to coordinate the inspection and traceability of product sources, identify the causes, and take timely measures to supervise enterprises. At the same time, coordinate local governments to strengthen the management and supervision of fresh and frozen coconut water industry production enterprises, and do a good job in food hygiene and safety.


According to the Vietnam National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Forecasting, coconut plantations in Vietnam cover more than 188,000 hectares. Ben Tre Province was the most important coconut-producing region in Vietnam, with 78,000 hectares of coconut trees. The coconut tree area of the province exceeds 40% of the coconut tree area of Vietnam and 80% of the Mekong Delta region, and the annual coconut production is nearly 800 million, and the export value is about 200 million US dollars. Coconut products account for 20% of total industrial production and 25% of the province's total exports.


At present, Vietnamese fresh coconuts cannot be exported to China through normal trade channels, but can only be exported to China in the form of coconut products or through border trade. In 2023, the General Administration of Customs has sent staff to inspect Vietnam's coconut plantations, and the two governments issued a joint statement at the end of the year, saying that China will actively promote the access procedures of Vietnamese agricultural products such as fresh coconut, frozen fruit products, citrus, avocado, shikaya, lotus flower, plant-origin Chinese herbal medicine, buffalo meat, yellow beef, pork and poultry products. As the Vietnamese side expects to complete the entry of fresh coconuts to China this year, the Vietnam Coconut Association last year proposed a target of more than $1 billion in exports by 2024.


According to the Vietnam Coconut Association, there are about 20 large enterprises in Vietnam that can export coconut to 35 countries and regions around the world. As the US market is about to open its doors to Vietnamese coconuts, and China's regular trade channel is about to import them, coconut companies are trying their best to develop coconut growing areas, register growing area codes and build organic raw material areas to meet the needs of the world market.

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