Russia launched caviar labeling process


Russia's phased labeling of sturgeon and salmon caviar has begun, and the relevant authorities are cracking down on illegal products through a labeling system.


The Russian Fisheries Service says the black market (illegal) trade in red caviar alone has exceeded 4 billion rubles (about $43 million).


Phase 1: From 1 April 2024, caviar producers must register with the Commodity Circulation Information Monitoring System;


Phase 2: From May 1, 2024, caviar supplied by companies must be accompanied by a code on the package and the information sent to the monitoring system;


Phase 3: As of June 1, 2026, all participants in the circulation of goods will be required to provide the system with information about each identified item when it is withdrawn from circulation.


Unlabeled caviar can be circulated until May 1, 2024, and the sale of caviar produced or imported into the Russian Federation before that date is allowed until the end of its shelf life.


Products exported directly by manufacturers are not subject to the labeling system.

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