Chilean stone fruit exports rose 18 percent to a new high, with China the biggest buyer


Ivan Marambio, president of the Chilean Fruit Association (Frutas de Chile), recently reported that in the 2023/24 season, Chile's stone fruit exports reached 36.5 million cases, a new record, an increase of 18%. Exports reached $519 million, up 14 percent year on year. Moreover, China is a major export market.


Chilean website "PortalPortuario" reported that Marambio said the data showed that Chile's stone fruit has entered a new period of recovery. In addition, 56% of the stone fruit exported this season went to China, with exports to China up 25% and exports up 5%; 19% went to the United States, with exports down 1% and exports up 20%.


By varieties, the export volume of loquat reached 13,959,016 boxes (7 kg/box), an increase of 24%; Nectarine exports reached 11.6 million cases (8 kg/case), an increase of 14%; Prune exports reached 8.1 million cases (9 kg/case), an increase of 23%; Peach exports were 2.8 million boxes (8 kg/box), down 2%; Apricot exports reached 100,000 cases, up 48% year-on-year.


Ignacio Caballero, manager of the Chilean Stone Fruit Commission (Comitede Carozos), said that the top three export markets for loquat are China (accounting for 34% of total exports), the United States (19%) and Brazil (9%), and the export volume to the three markets increased by 20%.


The top three export markets for nectarines are China (43 per cent of total exports), the US (24 per cent) and the Netherlands (5 per cent), with exports to China up 32 per cent year-on-year and exports to the Netherlands up 49 per cent. In terms of products, white meat nectarines saw the largest increase in exports at 25%, accounting for 59% of total nectarine exports.


The largest export market for peaches is the United States (48% of total exports), followed by Mexico (21%) and Brazil (11%). "This season, peaches opened the Chinese market, which is the biggest milestone, exports to China reached 60,000 boxes (8kg/box), accounting for 2% of the total exports, and we expect to export even more to China next season." Caballero added, "This season, almost all prunes were sold to China, but the time to market was reduced and arrival conditions were far from optimal, making it difficult."


Caballero said: "Stone fruit is about to have a major opportunity, and globally, stone fruit prices are going higher. Therefore, promoting the consumption of stone fruit through promotional campaigns and highlighting the healthy properties of stone fruit is the key to building the brand of Chilean stone fruit, especially in the key markets of Asia."

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