Summary | Issued Health Food (Approved + Unapproved) in August, 2019

Core Tip: On August, 2019, National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) announced 7 batches of information on approved health foods (August 5, August 8, August 20, August 21, August 26, August 27 and August 29 respectively) and 3 batches of information on unapproved health foods (August 5, August 13 and August 22 respectively). 

Global Foodmate summarised the published information of approved health food in August, 2019, for your reference. 

In August, 2019, 101 health foods have been approved, namely 55 re-registration (国食健再), 44 newly registration (国食健申), and 2 transfer (国食健转), as follows:

The situation of approved health food in August, 2019 is as follows:

Summary | Issued Health Food (Approved + Unapproved) in August, 2019

Please note: Original English article of Global Foodmate of Information Service and Business Department, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.

Global Foodmate Information Service Centre provides food standards & regulations research, labeling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry.

Please feel free to contact us: +86 10 68869850, E-mail: global_info@foodmate.net 

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