China will resume the imports of Canadian beef and pork

From Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on November 6, 2019

China will resume the im<em></em>ports of Canadian beef and pork foodmate

The Canadian Prime Minister says that the Chinese government has now resumed imports of Canadian beef and pork. Can you confirm that is the case?

A: In June this year, we found that there were obvious safety loopholes in Canada's certificate issuance system of meat exports, and the safety of Canadian meat exported to China cannot be guaranteed. In light of that, we ask the Canadian side to suspend the issuance of veterinary health certificates for meat exported to China since June 25, to investigate into related cases and to take corrective measures.

The Chinese customs and the Canadian competent authority have been in close communication on this matter and working for a solution. Recently Canada proposed an action plan as a corrective measure for certificate issuance and delivery. After reviewing it, we believe this plan will meet our safety requirements and agree to accept veterinary health certificates for meat products exported to China issued by the Canadian authority.

We hope Canada will earnestly fulfill its regulatory responsibility, ensure the safety of its meat products exported to China, and guarantee smooth trade.

Q: On the issue of resuming meat import from Canada, is this a sign that other agricultural products like canola may be allowed in soon? And is it a sign that the relationship between China and Canada is improving?

A: We responded to questions on Canadian canola exports to China at previous press conferences. The Chinese competent authority found problems in the regular quarantine and inspection process, and we took measures on those imports in light of that.

I also talked about meat products earlier. There were loopholes in Canada's certificate issuance system. After addressing those loopholes, we agree to resume imports of Canadian meat products as they now meet our standards.

With regard to the resumption of import of Canadian meat products, it's good for Canada to make corrections whenever there is a mistake.

As for China-Canada relations, the current difficulties were not caused by the Chinese side. We urge the new Canadian government to face up to China's solemn position and concerns, release Ms. Meng Wanzhou at once, ensure her safe return to China and take concrete actions to move our relations back onto the right track.

Extended Reading:

China Ban All Exports of Canadian Meat to China

GAC| Suspended import License of one Canadian Canola Company

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