EU | The export of frozen swordfishes from Portugal had excessive mercury content.


EU | The export of frozen swordfishes from Portugal had excessive mercury content.
On June 5, 2020, the European Union's Rapid alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) issued Circular 2020.2333, in which Italy reported that frozen swordfish from Portugal was unqualified.

It is reported that the unqualified products have detected the mercury, with the content of 1.38-1.74mg/kg. Italy does not distribute non-conforming products, which have been detained.

According to EU regulations, the maximum limit value of mercury in aquatic products and fish meat is 1mg / kg. Excessive intake of mercury will damage the nervous system of the human body and affect the brain development of the fetus.

汞含量超标 葡萄牙出口冷冻剑鱼被通报


       据通报,不合格产品检测出了重金属汞,其含量为1.38 -1.74mg/kg。意大利未分销不合格产品,目前产品已被扣留。


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