Zhejiang Provincial Health Products and Cosmetics Industry Association issued two Association Standards including "Testing Method for Zebrafish with Laxative Function of Health Food"

Zhejiang Provincial Health Products and Cosmetics Industry Association issued two Association Standards
including "Testing Method for Zebrafish with Laxative Function of Health Food"

According to the regulations of the Standardization Administration and other relevant departments, experts of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Products and Cosmetics Industry Association have passed 2 Association Standards which are " Testing Method for Zebrafish with Laxative Function of Health Food " and " Testing Method for Zebrafish with Antioxidant Function of Health Food". The standards will be implemented from August 1, 2020.


        根据国家标准化管理委员会等相关部门的规定,经浙江省保健品化妆品行业协会组织专家审查通过了《保健食品润肠通便功能的斑马鱼检测方法》和《保健食品抗氧化功能的斑马鱼检测方法》2 项团体标准,现予以发布,标准自2020 年8月1日起施行。

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