The Eurasian Economic Union’s mandatory GMO labeling regulations come into effect

Eurasian Economic Union official website reported on June 26: Since June 26, 2020, the transition period for the mandatory genetically modified organisms (GMO) labeling of Eurasian Economic Union products has officially ended, and the relevant labeling requirements have officially come into effect.

On December 20, 2018, the amendment of the Eurasian Economic Union Technical Regulation TR CU 022/2011 "Food Labeling Technical Regulation" came into effect. The amendment regulates and sets the mandatory labeling requirements for genetically modified ingredients in food. The transition period is until June 25, 2020.

“Food Labeling Technical Regulation” stipulates that: From June 26, 2020, the labeling of foods using GMOs or obtained through genetically modified biological technology shall be marked as follows: beside the EAC unified market circulation label (EAC), the "GMO" mark (the genetically modified ingredients in food exceed 0.9% of the final product content) should be marked in the same shape and size.

In addition, the regulation states that if the food manufacturer does not use GMOs in the production process and the content of GMO ingredients in the product does not exceed 0.9% (this type of GMO ingredients are considered to be accidental ingredients and cannot be eliminated by technology), such products are not regarded as genetically modified food, and the GMO mark is not required on the label.

Please note: This article is translated based on Google web translation software, if there is an error, please contact us as soon as possible to correct.

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