Weekly Review of Food Standards & Regulations (June 29-July 5, 2020)

★Letter from the Secretariat of the National Food Safety Standards Review Committee of the National Health Commission on the solicitation of opinions on the establishment plan for the National Food Safety Standard for 2020 (Draft for Comment) ★

On July 2, the Secretariat of the National Food Safety Standards Review Committee of the National Health Commission solicited opinions on the plan for the establishment of the National Food Safety Standards for 2020 (Draft for Comment), and the deadline is July 15, 2020. The project plan includes "National Food Safety Standard Food nutritive fortifier Lactoferrin", "National Food Safety Standard Food Additives Polyvinyl Alcohol", etc.


        7月2日,国家卫生健康委员会食品安全国家标准审评委员会秘书处就2020年度食品安全国家标准立项计划(征求意见稿)征求意见,截止时间为2020年7月15日前。立项计划包括《食品安全国家标准 食品营养强化剂 乳铁蛋白》、《食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 聚乙烯醇》等。

Open Source URL: https://global.foodmate.net/news/show-6671.html

★Notice of the Ministry of Commerce on the Adjustment of “Catalogue of Bulk Agricultural Products Subject to import Report Administration” (No.23, 2020) ★

On June 30, Ministry of Commerce issued the Announcement on adjusting the “Catalogue of Bulk Agricultural Products Subject to import Report Administration”, which involves the inclusion of sugar beyond tariff quota into the List and the import report administration will be implemented from July 1, 2020.From 1 July 2020, the management of olive oil import report will be abolished. The Ministry of Commerce entrusts the China Chamber of Commerce of I/E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-products (CFNA) to be responsible for the daily work of collecting, sorting, summarizing, analyzing and checking the import report information of the above-mentioned commodities.

★商务部关于调整《实行进口报告管理的大宗农产品目录》 的公告(2020年第23号)★

        6月30日,商务部公告发布《关于调整实行进口报告管理的大宗农产品目录的公告》,内容涉及将关税配额外食糖纳入《目录》,自2020年7月1日起实行进口报告管理。自2020年7月1日起,取消橄榄油进口报告管理。 商务部委托中国食品土畜进出口商会负责上述商品进口报告信息的收集、整理、汇总、分析和核对等日常工作等。

★Announcement of the National Medical Products Administration and other departments on the release of the 2020 version "Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China" (No. 78 of 2020) ★
On July 2, the National Medical Products Administration and other departments issued the 2020 version "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China", which will be implemented from December 30, 2020.

★国家药品监督管理局等部门关于发布2020年版《中华人民共和国药典》的公告(2020年 第78号)★


Open Source URL: https://global.foodmate.net/news/show-6669.html

★China Light Industry Federation publicly solicited opinions on 115 light industry standard planning projects including "Guarana Extract"★

On June 30, the China National Light Industry Council solicited public opinions on 115 light industry standard projects, including “Guarana Extract”. The deadline for comments is July 7, 2020. Food standards include: “the Beverage Machinery Polyester (PET) Bottle Aseptic Cold Filling Production Line", "Bottled Beverage Automatic Spray Type Cooling Machine", "Yeast Protein”, “Coagulated Bacillus Powder", "Anhydrous Citric Acid Salt", etc.


        6月30日,中国轻工业联合会发布关于公开征集对《瓜拉纳提取物》等115项轻工行业标准计划项目的意见,征求意见截止日期为2020年7月7日。食品相关标准包括:《饮料机械 聚酯(PET)瓶装饮料无菌冷灌装生产线》、《瓶装饮料全自动喷淋式冷却机》、《6 酵母蛋白》、《凝结芽孢杆菌菌粉》、《无水柠檬酸盐》等。

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Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate provides food standards & regulations research, labelling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

Please feel free to contact us: +86 10 68869850, E-mail: global_info@foodmate.net

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