Beijing Customs seized the largest amount of imported substandard food since 2018

On 13 July, Beijing Customs reported that Beijing Customs strictly controls the safety of imported food. Since this year, a total of 5 batches of unqualified imported milk powder, 1209 boxes and 7294 cans have been seized, with a total value of 148803 dollars. Among them, an unqualified milk powder imported from Singapore with a value of US$128,916 was the largest amount of imported substandard food and cosmetic cases seized by the Beijing Port since 2018.

On June 8 this year, a member of Beijing Chaoyang Customs inspected a batch of imported milk powder and found that the product label was faintly visible under strong light. After the outer label was blown off with a hair dryer, the can body was printed. There is another inner label, which is "gold-fed dietary supplemented with PEGOLD partial eclipse nutrition supplement formula", and the outer label is "gold-filled dietary supplemented with nutritional powder (solid beverage)". The inspector immediately judged that this was a batch of imported milk powder suspected of being "branded" and asked the importing enterprise to provide samples for verification.

After investigation, the ingredient list and nutrient composition list of the external label of the batch of goods have been significantly changed compared with the internal label. According to the label on the inner label, the ingredients and nutritional content of the product neither meet the national standards for milk powder nor the national standards for solid beverages. The content of the external label after "branding" is fully in line with the national standards for solid beverages.

On June 24, the relevant technical department identified the batch of milk powder. The results showed that the nutritional content of the milk powder was basically consistent with the content on the internal label. It was finally determined that this batch of milk powder did not meet China's national standard for milk powder. It also does not meet China's national standards for solid drinks.

After investigation, Beijing Chaoyang Customs found that the batch of milk powder was declared to be imported from Singapore in two batches on May 29 and June 1 of this year by using a false report method, trying to pass the unqualified milk powder through imported into the Chinese market in the "brand" way.

The person in charge of Beijing Chaoyang Customs said that once these batches of milk powder flow into the country, they will have a great impact on consumer health. Chaoyang Customs immediately sealed the batch of goods, a total of 2 batches, 1200 boxes and 7200 cans, with a total value of 128,916 US dollars.

The case is under further investigation.

Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate provides food standards & regulations research, labelling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

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