Mexican Avocados Successfully Opens the Chinese Market

July 14, Mexico "The Economist" quoted "Forbes" news, saying that from 2012 to 2018, Mexican avocados exported to China grew by 119.4%, Mexican avocados have been successfully open the Chinese market. The success of Mexican avocado export has aroused strong interest from Chinese investors and is considering copying this model to other Mexican specialty agricultural products. Through the TOJOY accelerator (Tianjiu, China's largest business accelerator), there are currently at least 700,000 potential Chinese investors interesting in establishing direct contacts with Mexican SMEs and bringing Mexican specialty products to the world's largest consumer market. Li Ziwen, chairman of the Asia-Pacific region of the Mexican Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology Enterprise Council, said that Mexican products face three major challenges in entering the Chinese market: the Chinese market lacks understanding of Mexican products, the marketing model is unclear, and financing is lacking.

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