Definitions of Food Shelf Life in Various Countries-Part 2

Food shelf life is an important factor to determine food safety, one of the most intuitive judgment based on food safety sales period and is an important indicator for consumers to buy food. On July 16, 2020, CCTV 315 party exposed that Burger King changed the shelf life of the expired bread to continue selling. "Food shelf life" once again become a hot spot of public. So how do governments manage the "food shelf life" in China and foreign country? Foodmate has compiled the "Guidelines for Food Shelf Life", which is divided into several parts: the definition of "Food Shelf Life", how to mark "Food Shelf Life", management of food about to expire and expired food.

Today, we continue introducing the definition of food shelf life of different countries in the world.

6. European Union

The European Union (EU) No 1169/2011 "Regulations on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers" stipulates date of minimum durability of a food means the date until which the food retains its specific properties when properly stored.

Foods exported to the EU should be mandatory to mark the minimum durability date or ‘use by’ date. For foods that are prone to spoilage and deterioration from a microbiological point of view. Therefore, foods may pose a direct hazard to human health after being stored for a period of time, the minimum durability date should be replaced by the "use by' date".

7. United States

The Shelf-Stable Food Safety in the United States mentioned: In addition to infant formula and related foods, the Federal Regulations on "use-by," "sell-by", or "best-if-used-by" date are voluntary marking, and it is pointed out that the marking date is for product quality rather than safety. However, if you use a calendar date, you must mark the month and date at the same time, and add a sentence next to the date to explain the meaning, such as "sold before this date" or "use before this date" . Although the United States does not have a uniform or generally accepted food date labeling system, more than 20 states require certain foods to be dated. Products within the warranty period can be used safely after “sell-by” date. Although products that display "sell-by" date" are still safe, their quality may be unacceptable after the "sell-by" date.


The Canadian Food and Drug Regulations stipulate the definitions of durable life and durable life date ("best before" date). Durable life is defined as the date when a prepackaged product is packaged for retail sale and stored under conditions suitable for the product. Maintain its normal hygiene, palatability, nutritional value, and any other qualities declared by the manufacturer without significant deterioration; durable life date is the date when durable life ends.

"Other Date Markings" has a clear definition of the expiration date. The manufacturer does not recommend eating the product after this date and cannot ensure the microbiological and physical stability and nutrient content claimed on the label. The deadline does not apply to all foods, but only to special dietary foods. Special dietary foods refer to foods that have been specially processed or formulated to meet the needs of special populations.

9. Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 1.2.5 "Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code-Information Requirements for the Marking of the Date of Sale of Food" stipulates the definitions of best-before date and use-by date. Best-before date is: In other words, it refers to the expiration date when the well-packaged food stored under the specified conditions can still be sold and maintain its stated or implied quality. Use-by date refers to the expiration date that foods that are well packaged and stored under specified conditions should not be eaten due to health and safety issues once the date is exceeded. In addition, the code stipulates that foods cannot be sold Food whose use-by date has expired.


Japan's "Food Labeling Standard" stipulates the expiration date and taste date of food. The expiration date is the period for maintaining the quality of the food when stored by the method indicated on the label. Suitable for perishable and spoiled foods, such as bread, bento, etc. The taste date is the period during which the quality can be completely maintained when stored by the method indicated on the label. However, even after the deadline, the product can maintain its quality, such as instant noodles and biscuits.

11.South Korea

The "Labeling Standards for Food" stipulates the definition of the circulation period and quality maintenance period. The circulation period refers to the period allowed to be sold to consumers from the date of production, similar to the shelf life, such as: English name and abbreviation (Expiration date, Sell by date, EXP, E). Quality maintenance period refers to the period during which the inherent quality of the food can be maintained when it is stored in an appropriate storage method or standard that meets the characteristics of the food. For example: English name and abbreviation (Best before date, Date of Minimum Durability, Best before, BBE, BE).


based on the above description of the date definition, the definition of shelf life in various countries is the date when the specific quality of the food is maintained, not an indicator of food safety. After this date, the food may lose some freshness and taste, or the texture may have changed. Therefore, Foodmate reminds consumers to consume the corresponding food in a timely manner and use it with caution after the expiry date. At the same time, an important factor that determines the shelf life of food is the corresponding storage conditions. Therefore, Foodmate reminds consumers that when buying or consuming food, they must first pay attention to whether the environmental conditions for sales and storage meet the corresponding storage conditions.
Recommend article:
Definitions of Food Shelf Life in Various Countries-Part 1

Please note: Original English article of Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.

Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate provides food standards & regulations research, labelling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

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