EU Issued Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 to amend maximum levels of acrylamide in certain foods for infants and young children

On 6 August, the European Commission published a draft amendment to the maximum levels of acrylamide in certain infant and young child foods. The draft resolution sets a maximum level of 150 g/kg in infant biscuits and crackers, and a maximum level of 50 g/kg in infant food, processed cereals used for infants and young children, other than biscuits and crackers. Comments will be solicited on October 5, 2020.

More details in: https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/FE_Search/FE_S_S009-DP.aspx?language=E&CatalogueIdList=265634,265645,265628,265627,265639,265618,265579,265573,265574,265572&CurrentCatalogueIdIndex=3&FullTextHash=371857150&HasEnglishRecord=True&HasFrenchRecord=False&HasSpanishRecord=False


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