Interpretation | The Highlights of the Second draft Edition of the General Principles of Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods

On August 31, 2020, the National Health Commission issued a draft of GB 28050 standard for soliciting opinions, and this is the second round of soliciting opinions. Foodmate has sorted out the main highlights in the draft, hoping to help food industry workers to understand the main changes in the new draft as soon as possible.

Highlight 1: Modify the definition of terms to make carbohydrate calculations more accurate

In the new version of the draft, the original definition of core nutrients was deleted, and the definitions of energy, protein, fat and carbohydrates were added, and the calculation formulas for energy and carbohydrates were improved. Improving part of the content of the previous standard Q&A into the standard text. It is necessary to pay attention to the calculation of carbohydrate subtraction. When there are other energy supply components such as "ethanol, organic acid and sugar alcohol", it is necessary to subtract these energy supply components from the carbohydrate content calculated by subtraction. Compared with the current standard, the modified carbohydrate content is more accurate. Therefore, the energy calculated by the modified carbohydrate is also more accurate. Compared with the current standard, this part of the amendment has changed a lot, so it has a greater impact on the labeling of food companies.

Highlight 2: Adjust the nutrient range of mandatory labeling

In terms of mandatory labeling content, the labeling of saturated fat (or saturated fatty acid) and sugar and NRV% have been added. However, since the NRV of sugar is not specified, it is not necessary to label the NRV% of sugar. The nutrition labels in most companies do not indicate the content of "saturated fat and sugar" at present, this part of change has a great impact on companies.

Highlight 3: Increase the nutritional ingredients of optional labeling

In terms of optional labeling content, the labeling requirements for n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, α-linolenic acid, EPA, and DHA are added under the fat item. Therefore, if these four items are labeled but not on the label of the nutrition table, you need to modify it and mark it in the nutrition table.

Highlight 4: Revise the rounding interval and 0 threshold

Mainly revise the rounding interval and 0 threshold value of the following nutrients: Vitamin A: "0" threshold value is "≤ 10 mg RE"; Vitamin E: "0" threshold value ≤ 0.20 mg α-TE; Vitamin B12 : The rounding interval is revised to 0.1, and the “0” threshold value is ≤0.1 mg; Niacin (niacinamide): the rounding interval is revised to 0.1, and the “0” threshold value is ≤0.2 mg. Therefore, the food labels related to the above-mentioned nutrition ingredient labels need to be adjusted accordingly.

Highlight 5: Increase the recommended food serving size reference value

Appendix E of the new draft version adds the reference value of the recommended food serving size for specific food categories, which has changed greatly from the current way of customizing the weight (or volume) of each serving.

Highlight 6: Allow graphical and textual identification

This is consistent with the requirements of the association standard of the FOP Graphical Labeling Guidelines for Nutritional Ingredients. Further clearly allow energy and sodium, and use the corresponding synonyms, especially the synonym for energy, which fully reflects the process of internationalization. At the same time, companies are encouraged to use the graphical "resident diet pagoda" to promote "reasonable diet" and "three reductions".

Highlight 7: Adjust the allowable error range and clarify the energy calculation method

The draft adjusts the "80%-180%" allowable error range of vitamin A and vitamin D in the current standard to "≥80% of the label value". For the calculation of energy by calculation method, it is only allowed to use the "Chinese Food Composition Table" to calculate according to the formula.

Highlight 8: Adjust exempt food categories

The nutrition label of “exempt nutrition labels for single raw and dried products that are simply processed or cleaned, such as rice, wheat flour, miscellaneous grains, etc.” has been added. This is a big change from the current requirement that single ingredient processed food products such as rice also need to be marked on the nutrition table. After all, these processed grain products are the main food in daily life.

At the same time, the “single ingredient condiments with a daily consumption ≤ 10 g (mL)” are clearly exempted, and there has been a significant change from the current standard that does not exempt “edible salt” in the nutritional table.

In addition, in the exemption conditions, the total surface area or maximum surface area of the package has been increased. At the same time, in the exemption conditions for beverages and wines, the requirement that the sugar content is lower than "0" threshold value is added. For certain types of products, such as sweet rice wine and liquor, where the sugar content may exceed 0.5%, it is necessary to increase the label of the nutritional table.

Highlight 9: Revise the NRV of some nutrients and delete the NRV range value

The draft deleted the NRV of cholesterol, and revised the NRV of folic acid, choline, vitamin D, zinc, iodine, selenium, and copper. And the NRV range of "fat and saturated fat" in the current standard is revised to the corresponding maximum value.

Highlight 10: The selection of reference foods is stricter and more specific, and some nutrient claims are added

In terms of the selection of reference foods for comparison claims, the draft can only be compared with the actual measurement data of the same food or the similar food data in the Chinese food composition table. The selection of reference foods is stricter and more specific.

In addition, the content claims and requirements for "n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids" have been increased. Increase the requirements and restrictive conditions for content claims of "source of soluble dietary fiber (or monomer) or containing soluble dietary fiber (or monomer)" and "high or rich in soluble dietary fiber or (monomer)".

The above-mentioned highlights are sorted out by Foodmate, we will promptly pay attention to the release of the regulations and make interpretations in time.

Please note: Original English article of Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate, please indicate the source from the Global Foodmate if reprint.

Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate provides food standards & regulations research, labelling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

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