Weekly Review of Food Standards & Regulations (Sept. 1-6, 2020)

★Interpretation | The Highlights of the Second draft Edition of the General Principles of Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods★

On August 31, 2020, the National Health Commission issued a draft of GB 28050 standard for soliciting opinions, and this is the second round of soliciting opinions. Foodmate has sorted out the main highlights in the draft, hoping to help food industry workers to understand the main changes in the new draft as soon as possible...

Open Source URL: https://global.foodmate.net/news/show-7092.html

★Soliciting Opinions on 16 National Food Safety Standards★

On August 31, the Secretariat of the National Food Safety Standards Review Committee publicly solicited opinions on 16 national food safety standards (drafts for comments) including the limits of contaminants in food. The deadline is October 20, 2020. Including "National Food Safety Standard Limits of Contaminants in Food", "National Food Safety Standard General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods", "National Food Safety Standard Food Contact metal Materials and Products", "National Food Safety Standard Hygienic Specifications for the Production of Food Processing Fungi Preparations, etc.

Open Source URL: http://www.nhc.gov.cn/sps/s3593/202008/c44ef007064e4aeeaaa5e24bdf9f3bb1.shtml

★The catalog of Chinese export prohibited technologies★

On August 28, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science and Technology adjusted and released the "Catalogue of Chinese Export Prohibited and Restricted Technologies" (Ministry of Commerce Announcement No. 38 of 2020, hereinafter referred to as the "Catalog"). The adjustment of the "Catalogue" has successively solicited opinions from relevant departments, industry associations, industry academic circles and the public, involving a total of 53 technical entries: Firstly, delete 4 technical entries that are prohibited from export. Secondly, delete 5 technologies that restrict exports. Thirdly, add 23 new technology items that restrict exports. Fourthly, modify the control points and technical parameters of the 21 technology items.

Open Source URL: http://www.most.gov.cn/tztg/202008/t20200828_158545.htm

★China National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center solicited public opinions on the new food raw material sodium hyaluronate★

On September 3rd, the China National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center solicited public opinions on the new food raw material sodium hyaluronate, and the deadline was October 3rd, 2020. The recommended consumption of sodium hyaluronate is ≤ 200mg/day, and its use scope includes milk and dairy products, beverages and frozen drinks, but does not include infant food.

Open Source URL: https://www.cfsa.net.cn/Article/News.aspx?id=00D69D4B2A3888AD730E6A021A1BDE3BCAA02E69176D7ABF

Business Division of Food Safety and Regulatory Compliance of Global Foodmate provides food standards & regulations research, labelling compliance consulting/Chinese label design, industry public opinion monitoring and analysis, registration services (of Infant formula, FSMP, Health food, Novel Food Ingredients, Novel Food Additives, New Varieties of Food-Related Products and Overseas manufacturers of imported food) and other comprehensive food safety solutions for domestic and overseas enterprises and institutions in food industry. 

Please feel free to contact us: +86 10 68869850, E-mail: global_info@foodmate.net

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