Argentina intends to revise vegan food regulations

On September 10, 2021, Argentine National Food Commission (CONAL) Published document EX-2021-79405553-APN-DLEIAER # ANMAT, to amend vegan food regulations. Feedback period ended October 10. The main revisions are:

(1) Article 229 is included in the Argentine Food Code with the following wording: "Article 229: The term "vegan" is exclusively used for products that do not contain animal-derived ingredients and/or their derivatives (including additives and adjuvants)."Vegan", "Contains only plant-derived ingredients", "100% vegetables" or other similar words may appear on the labels of these products;

(2) The term "vegetarian" is exclusively used for products that do not contain animal-derived ingredients and/or their derivatives (including additives and adjuvants), except for the following ingredients and/or derivatives: milk, dairy products; derived from live animals eggs or egg products; extracted honey or bee products.

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