Chile revises sanitary requirements for imported bee products



On 8 September 2022, the Chilean Ministry of Health issued resolution 4938 to revise the sanitary requirements for imported beeswax, royal jelly, pollen and propolis. Main contents are as below:


(1) Apiary hygiene requirements. The relevant country or region meets the OIE standard and is officially recognized by Chile: no Paenibacillus larvae, European foul brood, Small hive beetle infestation(Aethinatumida); Treatment of Paenibacillus larvae and European foul brood disease: irradiation by 10kGy or any equivalent treatment approved by the veterinary authorities of the exporting country and Chile; Treatment of Small hive beetle infestation: frozen at -12C for at least 24 hours or irradiated with 400Gy; Drying by freeze drying or an equivalent method; Apiaries of origin are subject to official inspection and have disease surveillance programs for bees;


(2) Product requirements. Free of bee parts, hives, or other fragments; Product packaging shall be sealed;



(3) Certificate requirements. The health certificate shall be issued by the official institution of the country of origin proving that the health requirements stipulated in this resolution are met. The certificate shall include: product name, net weight, consignee, name of means of transport, container number and quantity, etc. The health requirements of the relevant resolutions No. 986 of 1991 and No. 1206 of 2005 were repealed.


The resolution takes effect 60 days after it is published in the official Gazette.


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