Introduction to Hong Kong Food Additive Regulations (Part II)


In previous issue, Foodmate briefly introduced food additives such as sweeteners, coloring Matter, preservatives and antioxidants in Hong Kong. This issue mainly introduces the labeling requirements of food additives.

I Food additives

In Hong Kong, there are three forms of labeling for prepackaged foods that contain food additives as follows.

a) functional class + specific name;

b) functional class + identification number under the International Numbering System for Food Additives;

c) functional class + identification number under the International Numbering System for Food Additives with the prefix “E” or “e”.

For example, foods using benzoic acid as a preservative should be labeled in their ingredient list: preservative (benzoic acid) or preservative (210) or preservative (E 210).

II Processing aids

According to the Food and Drug (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, "additive" includes food processing aids, but the existing laws in Hong Kong do not specify its definition, mainly referring to the requirements of the Codex, and may not be marked on the label.

III Nutritional Fortifications

In Hong Kong, "food additives" do not include nutrients (e.g. vitamins and minerals) used to enhance the nutritional value of food and are not required to be labelled in the same way as additives, but must still be listed as ingredients in the ingredients list. If nutrients are added to food to achieve certain technical effects, they must be labeled as additives.

IV Flavorings and spices

If the ingredients are spices and flavorings (known as flavor and flavouring in Hong Kong), the appropriate class title should be listed. The expression “flavour” may be qualified by “natural”, “natural identical”, “artificial” or a combination of these words as appropriate. For example, a product that uses the spice "garlic oil" may be labeled "flavour" in the ingredient list instead of "garlic oil".

For more information on the compliance of food additives in Hong Kong, please contact us.

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