Russia bans imports of Kyrgyz dairy products


The Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision officially notified the Veterinary Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, announcing a complete ban on the import of dairy products from the country from April 21, 2023.


From April 10 to 16, 2023, the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision inspected Kyrgyzstan’s dairy production enterprises and raw milk purchase stations and found that the country’s dairy product supervision system is not sound and cannot guarantee the quality and safety requirements of products exported to Russia.


According to the official website, the main loopholes in Kyrgyzstan’s dairy product regulatory system include: national epidemiological monitoring, inappropriate monitoring methods for the quality and safety of animal-derived products, such as the scope of laboratory testing not including most of the indicators stipulated in the legislation of Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union Project requirements: The product lacks a traceability system, the source of raw materials is unknown, and the final product lacks documentation and labeling content.


After the Russian Bureau of Veterinary Plants requires Kyrgyzstan to re-examine the qualifications of all dairy processing enterprises to export products to Russia and provide guarantees to the Russian side, it will further consider whether to restore its qualifications for exporting to Russia, and then the Russian side will conduct further official inspections .

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