SFA released Singapore Food Statistics 2022


On May 18, 2023, the Singapore Food Authority (SFA) released the 2022 Food Statistics Report. The main contents include:

(1) Multiple sources of imports. As a city-state with limited resources, Singapore relies heavily on imports. One of the key strategies to ensure food security is to diversify the sources of imports, with Singapore’s source of food imports increasing from 172 countries and territories in 2019 to 183 in 2022;

(2) Strengthen the construction of local farms. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused delays in the establishment and upgrading of new and existing farms, preventing farms from reaching full production capacity. SFA remains committed to strengthening local farms to meet 30% of Singapore's food needs by 2030;

(3) Stay away from foodborne diseases. SFA uses a scientific approach in line with international standards to keep foodborne illnesses in Singapore at a low level. In 2022, the incidence of foodborne diseases in Singapore will be less than 24 cases per 100,000 people, compared with 25.6 cases in 2021. SFA uses digital inspections to identify and target businesses with a higher risk of food safety violations, such as the proportion of non-compliance detected in retail food establishments increasing from 7% in the second quarter of 2022 to 11% and 14% in subsequent quarters %, improving SFA's ability to detect early violations that could lead to foodborne illness outbreaks.

Learn more: https://www.sfa.gov.sg/docs/default-source/default-document-library/20230518-sfa-media-release---singapore-food-statistics-2022.pdf

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