How much do you know about strains for food in China?


In China,strain for food means one or more kinds of live microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi and yeast) that can be used in food, which made by fermentation and culture, isolation, drying or not drying and other processes.What substances are included in strains for food, and how should food strains be labeled when used in food? Foodmate has consolidated detailed information for reference.


1. Scope of strains for food

1.1 The List of Strains that Can Be Used in Food and the List of Strains that Can Be Used in Food for Infants and Young Children

On August 25,2022, the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China issued an announcement to update the “List of Strains for Food” and the “List of Strains for Infant Food”. The primary improvements included supplementation and improvement of the two lists. Additionally, strain names were adjusted and the “List of Strains for Food” was updated to specify subspecies.

For the adjustment of strain classification and naming in the list, a 2-year transition period will be implemented. Both previous and updated names of strains for food can be used during the transition period, and the updated strain list is required for the naming of strains for food after the transition period expires. Thus, from August 25, 2024, the names of strains for food on food labels must comply with the updated strain list.

1.2 Strains traditionally used in food production

In accordance with the aforementioned announcement, with the exception of the “List of Strains that Can Be Used in Food” and the “List of Strains that Can Be Used in Food for Infants and Young Children”, strains that have traditionally been used in food production will still be permitted for use, such as brewing yeast used in the production of wine.

1.3 Other strains for food

Strains for food beyond the above scope and new strains for food shall be incorporated in accordance with the “Administrative measures for safety review of new food raw materials”.

2. The labeling of strains for food

According to Article 38 of the Q&A on “General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods” (GB 7718-2011), prepackaged foods using strains for food that can be used in food or can be used in food for Infants and Young Children shall be labeled with the name of the strains for food as outlined in the above standard. Furthermore, the strain number and the amount of the strains for food can also be labeled simultaneously.The labeling of prepackaged food regarding strains for food must also meet the requirements of other applicable standards. For instance, the “National food safety standard Drinks” (GB 7101-2022) stipulates that the lactic acid bacteria count shall be ≥106 CFU/g(mL) in live (unsterilized) products with added lactic acid bacteria, and the amount of lactic acid bacteria shall be marked on the product label.

In addition, some strains for food, like jiuqu, do not need to be listed on labels of prepackaged food. According to “Antwortschreiben of General Office of CFDA about issues related to jiuqu”, jiuqu are used as sacchariferous and fermentative agents in traditional alcohol production in China. As jiuqu is a fermentative strain and not present in the final product, it is not necessary to label it on the final prepackaged food labels.

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