New Zealand to achieve zero tariff on all dairy exports to China


Radio New Zealand reported on 1 January that under the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA), from 1 January 2024, all New Zealand dairy exports to China will enjoy full zero tariff treatment, which will enhance the competitive advantage of New Zealand dairy products in China.


New Zealand's Minister of Trade and Agriculture, Todd McLay, said, "This is great news not only for dairy farmers, but for the New Zealand economy as well" "It's a day of celebration when the FTA finally comes into force, bringing NZ$350 million worth of additional revenue to New Zealand, but there is still a lot of work to do ...... we can export more." McLay says China provides a lot of jobs for the New Zealand economy.


Marlborough Farmers' Federation of New Zealand president Evan White says the removal of tariffs will benefit New Zealand communities and "will put more money back into the pockets of dairy farmers, which in turn will be spent in towns, communities and villages."

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