South Africa continues to impose anti-dumping duties on chicken imported from the United States


According to the report on April 18, approved by Patel, the South African Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, South Africa maintains the imposition of anti-dumping duties on frozen bone-in chicken parts originating in or imported from the United States. South Africa's International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) launched an investigation in December 2022, finding that the expiry of anti-dumping duties could lead to the continuation or recurrence of dumping and cause significant harm to the Southern African Customs Union chicken industry. The panel recommended that Patel keep the rate at 9.40 rand ($0.49) per kilogram.

South African poultry producers have been at loggerheads with meat importers over tariffs, with the former arguing that cheap imports hurt the local industry and the latter arguing that higher tariffs cause food costs to rise further.

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