EU proposed to revise the methodology for sensory evaluation, classification procedures and trade standards for virgin olive oils


On May 8, 2024, according to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), the Council of Members of the European Union (COMEU) will adopt during its 119th session, to be held from June 18 to 25, 2024, a Decision amending the trade standards applicable to olive oil and olive pomace oil, as well as two Decisions updating the methodology for the organoleptic assessment of virgin olive oils and correcting the methodology for the determination of the content of fatty acid waxes and ethyl esters by means of gas chromatography with a capillary column. The main elements are as follows:


(1) Method of sensory evaluation: applicable only to virgin olive oil and to the classification of such oils according to the perceived intensity of the defects and the fruity flavor, it also provides indications for optional labeling. Classification of oils: classification of oils according to the median definition of defects into extra virgin olive oils, etc;


(2) Labeling requirements: country of origin: the name of the country of origin should be declared. When the product is substantially processed in a second country, the country in which such processing is carried out shall be considered as the country of origin for labeling purposes; Appellation of origin: the labels of extra virgin olive oils may indicate the name of their country of origin (country, region) when they have been granted an appellation of origin, in accordance with the terms set forth in the regulations of their country of origin, and the region mentioned when such extra virgin olive oil is produced, packaged and originated only in that country or place; batch identification: each container shall be embossed or otherwise permanently marked by means of a code or transparency, in order to identify the production plant, the batch, etc;


(3) Methods of analysis and sampling: gas chromatography for the determination of the fatty acid composition and trans-fatty acid content, etc.

Learn more: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52024SC0122&qid=1715304773480#document1

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