Australia announced 2024-25 prices for biosecurity and imported food regulatory activities

Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry-DAFF-澳大利亚.jpg

On 28 June 2024, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) issued Notice 139-2024, which sets out the 2024-25 Biosafety and imported food regulatory activities charging regulations. The main contents include:


(1) Impact objects. import and shipping industry stakeholders, including imported food stakeholders, customs brokers, freight forwarders, ship captains, biosecurity industry players and shipping agents;


(2) Basic information. In 2023, alongside the implementation of the new fees, the department committed to an annual review of regulatory charges and made changes to legislation to include indexation. In 2024, the department will apply annual reviews and indexation to regulatory fees and charges. The Biosafety Cost Recovery Implementation Report (CRIS) and Pricing Schedule for 2024-25 provide an updated price schedule and the current costs of carrying out regulatory activities. The 2023-24 Cost Recovery Implementation Statement and pricing schedule are available on the department's website. The new charges for biosafety and imported food monitoring activities will come into effect on 1 July 2024;


(3) Major changes. On July 1, 2024, statutory regulatory rates for all indexation provisions will increase by 4.1%. Indexation of statutory rates does not require legislative changes. The new rate for 2024-25 is a calculated substitute amount for the 2024-25 Biosafety CRIS and as described in the pricing schedule.

Learn more: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity-trade/import/industry-advice/2024/139-2024

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