Bytedance mass poisoning: restaurants involved were exposed, and the suspected spoiled chicken became the culprit


Bytedance's Singapore office is suspected of a collective food poisoning incident, a number of employees in the canteen after eating a Chinese buffet lunch feel sick, at least 130 people have gastrointestinal symptoms, some employees vomited in the office, "even vomited to the ground can not get up."

According to the investigation, the food in question is suspected to have come from two suppliers in Singapore, Yun Haiyao and Putian. The Food Board of Singapore and the Ministry of Health said in a statement that a total of 130 people developed gastroenteritis symptoms after eating Yunhaisang and Putian food at the canteen on the 26th floor of One Raffles Quay at ByteDance's Singapore office. Yunhaiyao Northpoint City Branch and Putian Central Kitchen are suspended from today until further notice.

According to people familiar with the matter, the staff who became ill mainly ate the spoiled chicken from the Chinese buffet, and the meat supplier on that day was Singapore Yunhai Yao.

After the incident, a Putian spokesman said that the food in question did not come from Putian. "As far as the company knows, the food in question did not come from Putian. Our buffet kitchen will be suspended while we cooperate with the authorities and await the outcome of the investigation."

In response to media queries from Singapore at noon on July 31, Yunhaiyao said: "We are working with other suppliers to provide assistance to those affected and are working closely with ByteDance and relevant government departments to conduct a thorough investigation." We strictly comply with food safety regulations and hygiene practices. The health and safety of our customers remains our top priority."

A ByteDance spokesperson said: "We take the health and safety of our employees very seriously, and the company has taken immediate steps to support all affected employees, including working with emergency response to provide medical care to our employees." The company is cooperating with the relevant authorities to investigate the cause of the accident."

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