New Zealand publishes new post-mortem inspection procedures for red meat


On 16 August 2024, the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) issued Notice 7494, a new version of the Red Meat post-mortem inspection Code. Compared with the old regulations, the main revisions include:


(1) Stipulate that non-conforming red meat raw materials can neither be used to produce food for human consumption nor to process animal feed;


(2) Revise the key points of carcass inspection of animals from red meat sources after slaughter, and add requirements such as paying attention to microbial cross-contamination at the incision, strengthening the inspection of important parts such as lymph nodes and limb joints;


(3) New requirements for inspection of edible by-products from goats and sheep.


This procedure also applies to the inspection of exported red meat products, but does not exempt its compliance with the requirements of the destination country or region, and will be implemented from the date of publication.

Learn more: https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/7494-Post-mortem-examination-Red-meat-code-of-practice-chapter-6-7-and-8

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