Introduction of supervision of infant and young children formula in Chinese mainland and Taiwan, China (Part I)

In order to ensure the health of infant and young children and meet their growth and development needs, countries/regions all over the world have formulated relevant regulations on infant and young children formula, implemented strict food supervision system and strictly controlled food safety.To facilitate understanding of formula foods, Foodmate will introduce infants and young children formula in Chinese mainland and Taiwan,China in two articles. This article first introduces the classification and definition of formula food for infants and young children in Chinese mainland and Taiwan,China.


1. Classification of infant and young children formula

In Chinese mainland, infant and young children formula mainly includes:infant formula,older infant formula and young children formula.

In Taiwan, China, it mainly includes: infant formula, follow-up infant formula and infant formula for special medical purposes.

According to the "Detailed rules for the implementation of the food safety and health management act" in Taiwan, China,infants refer to those who are not older than 12 months old, and there is no specific regulation on the supervision of young children formula.Infant formula food for special medical purposes in Taiwan, China is one category of infant formula foods, which is supervised by infant formula laws. In Chinese mainland, infant formula for special medical purpose is supervised by foods for special medical purpose laws.

2. Definition of infant and young children formula

Table 1 Definition of infant and young children formula in Chinese mainland and Taiwan,China

Note: the definition of infant and young children formula in Chinese mainland is derived from GB 10765-2021, GB 10766-2021 and GB 10767-2021; The definition of infant formula in Taiwan,China is derived from CNS 6849, CNS 13235 and CNS 15224.

3. Summary

In conclusion, infant and young children formula in Chinese mainland cover a wider range of age. The age range of infant formula in Taiwan,China is only 0-12 months old, and includes infant formula for special medical purposes. Foodmate will introduce the regulatory agencies and regulatory models of infant and young children formula in Chinese mainland Taiwan,China in next article.

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