Australia: 141-2021: Changes to import conditions for fish and baitfish

On June 30, 2021, Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment issued notice No. 141-2021: Changes to import conditions for fish and baitfish, which will be updated the list of either human consumption or for use in aquaculture or as bait and species known to be susceptible to diseases of Biosecurity concern.

The department recently undertook a review of species to ensure that the risk species lists for non-salmonid marine finfish for human consumption and baitfish on BICON (risk species lists) are up to date, effective at managing contemporary biosecurity threats.

The review identified several species of finfish which are now recognized as susceptible to diseases of concern. The department will vary the lists of imported fish species that require control measures.

The department will contact holders of affected import permits individually in the coming days.

The department will also simplify the names of the risk species lists:

• The list 'Non salmonid finfish high-risk species (specified species)' will be renamed the 'High-risk species list'

• The list 'Risk species (approved specified species)' for non-salmonid finfish sourced from all countries in and islands surrounding Asia (including Japan) will be renamed the 'Medium-risk species list'.

• The list 'Risk species (approved specified species)' for non-salmonid finfish sourced from all countries other than New Zealand” has been removed, with species previously on this list re-classified.

• The list 'Specified bony fish species other than from the Salmonidae & genus Plecoglossus' will be renamed the 'Baitfish species list'.

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